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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Star Wars : Galaxies An Empire Divided System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-12-23 17:28:38 Views : 20270 Emote List Enter any one of the phrases below with a slash (/) in front of it. Many of the phrases (like /sneeze) are accompanied by a specific animation. Play around with the list and see all the crazy things your character can do. accuse ache adjust adn afk4drink afk4food agree amazing anxious apologize applaud arch attend ayt backhand bad badfeeling bah bak bang bark batlashes bbl beam beckon belch bite blame bleed blink blow blowkiss blush bmoc bob bodyslam boggle bonk boogie bored bounce bouquet bow bow2 bow3 bow4 bowhead brandish brt burp bye cackle callretreat callstop calm catchbreath censor chase cheek cheer chestpound chestpuff chortle chuckle clap claw closeeyes combarea combhair comfort congratulate contemplate cough cover covereyes cower cry culater curse curtsey dance deepbow defend demure deride disagree doh down dream drool duck echuta eek elbow embrace encourage evilgrin exhausted eyebrow eyeroll faint false faq fear feel feh fiddle fidget fistpalm flail flame flee flex flip flirt flower flutter fool frown fume fuzzy gag gape gasp gawk gaze giggle giveup glare gloat glow going greet grin groan grovel growl grumble grunt gulp hack hail halfnelson halo hand handshake headlock hearnoevil helpme hero hi5 hiccup hiss hobble holdon hop hose hug huge hum hunger imfull imitate innocent introduce isafk jam jas jk jump kiss knockwood kowtow lagging large last laugh lean leer left legshake lick lol love luck manual medium melt mercy mimic mirror mope mosh mourn mutter nails nap nausea nelson nod nono noogie nose nudge nuzzle omg oneknee opossum pant pat peptalk pet peyoo pillow pinch plugears plugnose pointat pointdown pointleft pointright pointup poke ponder pound pout preen primp prod protect provoke pshrug pucker puke pull punch push puzzle question quiet raise raspberry ready reassure right roar rofl rolleyes rose rubnose ruffle salute scare scared scold scowl scratch scream seenoevil shake sharpen shiver shower shrug shudder shush sigh skip slap slit slobber small smell smile smirk snap snarl sneer sneeze snicker sniff sniffle snog snore soapbox softclap spam speaknoevil spin spit squeeze squirm stare steam stink stomp strangle stretch strut sulk summon surprised surrenderself swat sweat sweep tackle tag tantrum tap tease thank thirst throwat throwdown thxinfo tickle tiny tiphat tiptoe tmi tongue toss tsktsk tug tweak twibble twiddle twirl twistarm twitch uncle up veto waft wait ward wave welcome whap whimper whistle wildpanic wince wink wookieehug wrinkle yawn yes zip zone Get Your Message Out There Put a /shout before you type something, and your word bubble will be seen by a wider radius of players. You can also use the /yell command for the same effect. Mood List Enter these commands with a / in front of them to display a particular mood (Ex: /calm). absentminded adventurous alert amazed ambivalent amused angry annoyed approving belligerent bitter bloodthirsty brave bubbly callous calm careful careless casual cheerful clinical cocky cold compassionate condescending confident confused contemptuous content courtly coy crotchety crude cruel curious cynical dainty defensive depressed devious dignified diplomatic disappointed discreet disdainful disgruntled disgusted dismayed disoriented distracted doubtful dramatic dreamy drunk earnest ecstatic embarrassed emotional emotionless emphatic encouraging enraged enthusiastic envious evil exasperated exhausted exuberant fanatical fastidious fearful firm forgive friendly frustrated gloomy goofy grumpy guilty happy haughty heroic honest hopeful hopeless humble hungry hurried hysterical imploring indifferent indignant innocent interested jealous joyful lazy lofty logical loud loving lustful malevolent mean mischievous nervous neutral nice none obnoxious obscure offended optimistic painful panicked patient pedantic perturbed pessimistic petulant philosophical pitying playful polite pompous proud provocative puzzled quiet regretful relaxed relieved reluctant remorseful resigned respectful romantic rude sad sarcastic scared scolding scornful sedate serious shameless sheepish shifty shocked shy silly sincere sleepy sly snobby sorry spiteful squeamish stubborn suffering sullen surly surprised suspicious taunting terrified thankful thirsty thoughtful timid tired tolerant troubled uncertain unhappy unwilling vengeful warm wary whiny wicked wise wistful worried wounded youthful Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Star Wars : Galaxies An Empire Divided cheat codes.
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